Services & Rates
Adults ......................................... $850.00
Children .................................... $400.00
Special Needs .......................... $650.00
Cremains .................................... $450.00
Inurnment and Sealing
of Niche in Columarium ............ $200.00
Entombment in Mausoleum ..... $500.00
Disinter and Reinter
Inside Cemetery ........................ $1,400.00
Disinter and Reinter
Outside Cemetery .................... $1,200.00
Please Note: These feeds include state-mandated $35.00 to the permanent maintenance fund. (In the event of a double cremation burial, an additional $35.00 must be collected.
Regular (1 Full Body &
2 Cremains or 2 Cremains) ......... $800.00
Special Needs ............................ $350.00
Full Niche in Section A
Round Columbarium ................. $650.00
Half Niche in Section A
Round Columbarium .................. $400.00
Please Note: These feeds include state-mandated 10% to the permanent maintenance fund.
Minimum Charge ..................... $200.00
Per Linear Foot ........................ $150.00
Foot Marker Base .................... $100.00
Foot Marker Installation ........... $75.00
Foot Corner Markers ................ $275.00
Extended Service Changes
Holidays* and Sundays ........... $300.00
Overtime - Each Hour After
3pm (No Burials after 6pm) ...... $100.00/hr
Use of Wooden
Container (Section Z) ............... $200.00
Winter Charges ......................... Vary**
*Holidays – New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, July Forth, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
**For winter charges, prices will vary according to the weather. Please contact our office for more information.